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Real Estate Roof Certifications for Sellers: Knowledge is Power

Posted March 30, 2018 by Patrick Morin
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We get requests for Roof Life of Oregon to go out and do roof certifications for sellers on high-end homes. Sometimes the reports come back saying there may be anywhere from three to ten thousand dollars of work to get them certifiable. That knowledge can be powerful when heading into a real estate transaction.

We recently certified a 1.2 million dollar home. When we inspected it, the roof was as black as the ace of spades, not maintained at all. It was a twelve-year-old nice shake, but it was making the home just look trashy and it wasn’t certifiable.

It took about ten thousand dollars to get this roof certified, but it’s an eighty-nine thousand dollar roof. So the seller was either going to have to sell the home with an un-certifiable roof and take an eighty-nine thousand dollar deduct or spend ten thousand and then have an eighty-nine thousand dollar certified roof.

Certifying the roof really played into the seller’s best interest. He came seven-nine thousand dollars to the good.

When you have a home that you want to put on the market, and it has some age to it, call Roof Life of Oregon. We’ll do an inspection, and if it can be certified, we’ll tell you what it will take to be certifiable.

If it can’t be certified, we’ll tell you what it takes to replace it. That way you’ll have all the knowledge you need to empower you to make the best deal.

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