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The Roof Life of Oregon Official Blog

Roofing is complicated, but we hope you find value in the various topics and posts we’ve procured over the years from our exceptional service to the Greater Portland Metro. If you have any additional questions, please Contact Us.

How Can Dormer Gutters Cause Leaks?

   Did you know that dormer gutters can cause leaks? If you live in the Portland, Oregon area and have a home with a dormer, then you need to …

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Why Is My Roof Life Bid Higher? (Part 2)

We’ve talked in the past about some cost-driven roofing factors and the reasoning behind a higher roof bid. One of the major differences between Roof Life of Oregon and the …

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Why Should Your Roofer Follow Codes?

If your roofer doesn’t follow codes, you could end up with some serious problems. For the most part, when the city tells you to install a roof a certain way, …

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Call Roof Life of Oregon Today

If you’re looking for a team that is as knowledgeable as they are kind and proactive, Roof Life of Oregon is the choice for you. Contact us today to experience the difference for yourself.

Watch: What Happens When You Mix & Match Components On a Roof?

  Daniel talks about what happens when your roofer mixes and matches different manufacturer parts on your roof. Most of the time it’s problematic. Find out why. Call the guys …

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The Problem with Paying by the Piece for Roofing

Paying by the piece for roofing is a way that roofing companies get away with paying their employees less than they are worth. Roofers are paid in one of two …

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Why Is My Roof Life of Oregon Bid Higher Than Another Contractor’s?

There are so many different parts and pieces to consider when putting a roof together. A Roof Life of Oregon bid may appear to be higher than another contractor’s, but …

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Have You Had Remodel? Check for Updates.

When we go out to a home, we can usually tell which parts of the home have been remodeled. As our industry changes and progresses, there are often updates that …

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Why is My Roof Life Bid Higher?

I get that question pretty often. A client will say, “My neighbor got his roof done for $12,000, and Roof Life is coming in at $18,000. Why is that?” Well, that …

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Honesty (and Dishonesty) Comes Back to You

We believe that if we give our customers accurate information, if we’re honest with them, it’s going to come back to us. So, are roofers honest? While we cannot speak …

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We’re Here to Help You

A healthy and properly functioning roof, free of moss and debris is also appealing and a source of homeowner pride.

Get a free quote for an inspection today.