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The Roof Life of Oregon Official Blog

Roofing is complicated, but we hope you find value in the various topics and posts we’ve procured over the years from our exceptional service to the Greater Portland Metro. If you have any additional questions, please Contact Us.

How Much Does A Roof Replacement Cost?

Roof maintenance is one of the most important parts of owning a home. Homeowners from Beaverton to West Linn need to pay particularly close attention because our homes are constantly exposed to a variety …

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How to Prep Your Roof for Cold Weather

Is your roof ready for the fall and winter in Portland? It’s a great time to take a step back and assess the condition of your roof. Summer is our …

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Why Is My Roof Life Bid Higher? (Part 2)

We’ve talked in the past about some cost-driven roofing factors and the reasoning behind a higher roof bid. One of the major differences between Roof Life of Oregon and the …

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Call Roof Life of Oregon Today

If you’re looking for a team that is as knowledgeable as they are kind and proactive, Roof Life of Oregon is the choice for you. Contact us today to experience the difference for yourself.

Full Disclosure: Our Re-Roofing Software

Roof Life of Oregon has put a lot of time, energy, and money into developing a software system that allows you to sit down with us and actually design your …

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OSHA Updates Regarding Safety Anchors

OSHA exists to protect us. It was originally formed to keep us from hurting ourselves and to make sure we go home to our families every night. They constantly update …

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The Newest Member of the Roof Life Team: Tim

I’ve known the guys at Roof Life of Oregon for a long time and know them to be a great group of people, so I’m happy to be joining the …

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Watch: Should I Use Generic Products On My Roof?

Ever thought you could just go to the hardware store or local grocer and pick up a product that will take care of the moss on your roof? Think again. …

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Is Your Roof Prepared for Portland Storms?

I was just on a roof last week and saw a dark, ominous cloud on the horizon. Within minutes, the temperature dropped fifteen degrees and hail started pouring down. I didn’t even have …

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Not sure treatment makes a difference? Watch this.

Schedule your free well care check-up with Roof Life of Oregon, and we will help your roof look good, work right, and last longer.

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We’re Here to Help You

A healthy and properly functioning roof, free of moss and debris is also appealing and a source of homeowner pride.

Get a free quote for an inspection today.