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The Roof Life of Oregon Official Blog

Roofing is complicated, but we hope you find value in the various topics and posts we’ve procured over the years from our exceptional service to the Greater Portland Metro. If you have any additional questions, please Contact Us.

The Newest Member of the Roof Life Team: Tim

I’ve known the guys at Roof Life of Oregon for a long time and know them to be a great group of people, so I’m happy to be joining the …

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What is a Real Estate Roof Certification?

Roof Life of Oregon has been providing roof certifications for real estate over the last five years. Our own clients were real estate folks, and they realized the value of …

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3 Tips for Christmas Lights

It’s always fun to put up Christmas lights yourself (is it?), but it can be dangerous, if you don’t take proper precautions. I’m all for doing it yourself, but we …

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Call Roof Life of Oregon Today

If you’re looking for a team that is as knowledgeable as they are kind and proactive, Roof Life of Oregon is the choice for you. Contact us today to experience the difference for yourself.

Why is Roof Life of Oregon Better?

We get letters and emails daily at Roof Life of Oregon. I got one from a young homeowner recently that said, “Patrick, can you tell us why your services are …

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Watch: Should I Use Generic Products On My Roof?

Ever thought you could just go to the hardware store or local grocer and pick up a product that will take care of the moss on your roof? Think again. …

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Mastic Won’t Keep the Water Out

At Roof Life of Oregon, we get to visit do-it-yourselfers all the time. We’ve really seen it all in our almost thirty-five years of roofing and roof maintenance in Portland. …

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Watch: When Has A Leak Gone On Too Long?

  For many of us, any leak at all means trouble. But some people either tolerate to do not know about a small leak in their attic or home or …

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How Do I Know When to Replace My Roof?

It’s hard to know exactly when to replace your roof without getting a professional opinion, but there are a few signs that it might need to happen soon. People usually …

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Watch: How Do Little Problems Become BIG Problems?

  In this episode, Jerry discusses how quickly small issues with your roof can become really BIG issues. What is your leak tolerance? If you’re not ok with water coming …

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We’re Here to Help You

A healthy and properly functioning roof, free of moss and debris is also appealing and a source of homeowner pride.

Get a free quote for an inspection today.