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The Roof Life of Oregon Official Blog

Roofing is complicated, but we hope you find value in the various topics and posts we’ve procured over the years from our exceptional service to the Greater Portland Metro. If you have any additional questions, please Contact Us.

Sell Your Home with Roof Curb Appeal

When you’re getting your house ready to sell, you’re cleaning the concrete, re-painting, and making your landscape look nice.  Don’t forget about your roof – one of the most important …

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Roof Certifications San Save You Big Time

One of the biggest benefits of a real estate roof certification is that there are no mysteries, whether you’re in a buying or selling position. It puts the entire deal …

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Warning Against Using Architectural Shingles on Shiplap Roofs

Recently, I had to stand in a client’s kitchen and tell him that his seven-year-old roof needed to replaced. The culprit? An architectural shingle on top of a shiplap deck. …

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Call Roof Life of Oregon Today

If you’re looking for a team that is as knowledgeable as they are kind and proactive, Roof Life of Oregon is the choice for you. Contact us today to experience the difference for yourself.

Top 6 Signs of Poor Attic Ventilation

Key Takeaways Proper attic ventilation moves heated air out of the attic and brings fresh air in, minimizing moisture buildup and protecting shingles. Successful attic ventilation can be achieved through …

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Nails or Staples? The Choice Matters.

Similar to heated debates between Fords and Chevys, the roofing industry has a history of being split between staples vs. nails. Whether you’re looking to replace your entire roof or …

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Daniel’s #1 Tip for Hiring a Roof Inspector

When it comes to hiring roof inspectors, just like every other industry, there are good ones and there are bad ones. It can be really difficult to decipher between the …

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Why Are My Shingles Lifting?

If you have a lift in the middle of your roof with nothing around it, it could be a plywood pop, a sure sign of your shingles lifting.  When you …

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Are You Buying the Right Roof?

There’s a lot that comes into play when picking your new roof. You need to make sure it works correctly, looks good, and fits your budget. At Roof Life of …

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What if I get a leak on a weekend?

If you spring a roof leak on a weekend, give us a call. We always have somebody around that’s going to be able to answer the phone and help you. …

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We’re Here to Help You

A healthy and properly functioning roof, free of moss and debris is also appealing and a source of homeowner pride.

Get a free quote for an inspection today.